2018 De-cluttering Calendar

Getting your home uncluttered and organized can be a daunting task. There are so many areas, closets, and rooms in a home that can easily become over taken with "stuff" if you aren't careful. I believe that getting to these areas on a yearly basis is the key to maintaining your home in the clutter free zone.  

A way that I tackle clutter in our home is by creating a chart for myself where I list each room, closet, and/or space in my home as a reminder of the areas that need attention. At the beginning of the new year, I print out my chart and begin to tackle my list, day by day. If I'm lucky, I'm able to get through the entire house within a month. We all know that life with a toddler can be unpredictable, so whenever life happens, it may end up taking me 1-2 months.

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The key to this plan is to do what you can, when you can. I strive to do something every day, but if I'm unable to, then I just pick it back up once I have more time. By having my decluttering plan printed out and hanging right by fridge, it serves as a constant reminder of what I need to do and it also serves as encouragement as I get to cross off each box as I complete a space. There's nothing more satisfying than checking off something from your list, right?!

On the left hand side of my decluttering calendar, I keep a TO DO section where I typically list out specific tasks that I want to accomplish. For example, when tackling the pantry, I wanted to make sure that this year I focus on getting storage containers to free up space and help with organization. I try to focus on 1 room and/or closet per year where I focus on investing organizational items for that space. Organizational items can get pretty expensive, so I tend to limit myself to just one space per year so that I can fully dedicate my resources to that space. Last year we invested in closet systems for our master closet, this year we are planning on tackling our pantry and I can't wait!


Want your very own 30 Day Decluttering Plan for your home? Click here to get access to your FREE 30 Day Decluttering Plan and get one step closer to creating your best home! 

Happy Decluttering!

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Maria Lorena

Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with interior decorating and using my hands to create beautiful things to incorporate in my space.

I believe that making your house a home shouldn’t be a difficult or expensive but exciting and most of all fun! It isn’t about the size or location of your home but about being able to create a space that is yours to fit your budget without sacrificing style.

Having recently purchased our first home, we’ve been busy creating a space that is ours as we blend my and my husband’s styles together. Explore the site to see what we have accomplished!


2018 Holiday Planner


30 Day Decluttering Plan to Create your Best Home