30 Day Decluttering Plan to Create your Best Home

Getting your home uncluttered and organized can be a daunting task. There are so many areas, closets, and rooms in a home that can easily become over taken with "stuff" if you aren't careful. I believe that getting to these areas on a yearly basis is the key to maintaining your home in the clutter free zone.  


A way that I tackle clutter in our home is by creating a chart for myself where I list each room, closet, and/or space in my home as a reminder of the areas that need attention. At the beginning of the new year, I print out my chart and begin to tackle my list, day by day. If I'm lucky, I'm able to get through the entire house within a month. We all know that life with a toddler can be unpredictable, so whenever life happens, it may end up taking me 1-2 months.

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The key to this plan is to do what you can, when you can. I strive to do something every day, but if I'm unable to, then I just pick it back up once I have more time. By having my decluttering plan printed out and hanging right by fridge, it serves as a constant reminder of what I need to do and it also serves as encouragement as I get to cross off each box as I complete a space. There's nothing more satisfying than checking off something from your list, right?!

On the left hand side of my decluttering calendar, I keep a TO DO section where I typically list out specific tasks that I want to accomplish. For example, when tackling the pantry, I wanted to make sure that this year I focus on getting storage containers to free up space and help with organization. I try to focus on 1 room and/or closet per year where I focus on investing organizational items for that space. Organizational items can get pretty expensive, so I tend to limit myself to just one space per year so that I can fully dedicate my resources to that space. Last year we invested in closet systems for our master closet, this year we are planning on tackling our pantry and I can't wait!


Click here to get access to the FREE 30 Day Decluttering Plan to help you create your best home!

Happy Decluttering!

Maria Lorena

Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with interior decorating and using my hands to create beautiful things to incorporate in my space.

I believe that making your house a home shouldn’t be a difficult or expensive but exciting and most of all fun! It isn’t about the size or location of your home but about being able to create a space that is yours to fit your budget without sacrificing style.

Having recently purchased our first home, we’ve been busy creating a space that is ours as we blend my and my husband’s styles together. Explore the site to see what we have accomplished!


2018 De-cluttering Calendar


How to have a Cleaner Home Every Day